pecl install CSV

CSV PHP extension

A new and improved CSV file PHP extension which follows RFC 4180 instead of using a custom escape mechanism.

Supports multi-bytes delimiters, enclosures, and providing a custom EOL sequence.

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  • George Peter Banyard (lead )


Downloads: 40679
2 years ago
Request a build
Request to the website owner's team the built this extension with this parameters. The result is not guaranteed and can be impossible for many reasons. The extension source code is frequently not upto date with the most recent PHP version.
If you have another code source for this extension, provide it in comment.
Please (or register) to request a build.
Version 0.4.2 change log

Security release
* Fix buffer overflow when using multibyte enclosures
* Suppress PHP 8.2 Deprecation in test

Sponsor me via GitHub sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/Girgias


  • php >=8.0.0
  • pearinstaller >=1.4.0