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Threading API

A compatible Threading API for PHP


  • Joe Watkins (lead )
  • Joe Watkins (lead )


Stars: 3480
Issue openned: 54
Downloads: 519090
10 years ago
Version 2.0.0 change log

Fix errors; inheritance and scope in threads (bugs in prepare)
Fix fault; accessing destroyed objects (throw ex)
Make use of inheritance within pthreads (bc compatible using alias)
Remove abstract flag from ::run method
Remove use of errors in favour of exceptions
Remove all final modifiers on threaded objects
Fix fault; submit to incorrectly constructed Pool
Fixed fault; (re)using primitives that are object members across contexts
Fixed fault; intermittent fault on session_start inside threads
Various internal improvements


  • php >=5.3.0
  • pearinstaller >=1.4.0b1