
pecl install markdown

Processes the Markdown language with the bundled discount library.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language created by John Gruber. It is also
the name of the original tool written in Perl that converts such markup into

This library is a wrapper for a modified version of the discount Markdown
processor, created by David Parsons. It supports several extensions of the
original Markdown language, including smartypants-style substitutions, pandoc-
style document headers, and parts of Markdown Extra.

The modifications to discount include discarding several parts important only
to stand-alone applications that accompany the library code, better consistency
in library interface functions, thread-safety without eager initialization of
globals, usage of the Zend memory manager and support for Microsoft Windows.

Discount is available at <>.

The page of the original Markdown is available at

Windows binaries (VC 9, x86, 1.0.0), with PDB files:<ul><li><a href="">PHP 5.4, no ZTS</a></li><li><a href="">PHP 5.4, ZTS</a></li><li><a href="">PHP 5.3, no ZTS</a></li><li><a href="">PHP 5.3, ZTS</a></li></ul>
This extension is also compatible with PHP 5.2, but no Windows binaries will be provided here.


  • Gustavo Lopes (lead )
  • Pierre-Alain Joye (lead ) [inactive]
  • Pierre Joye (lead )


Stars: 9
Issue openned: 4
Downloads: 14422
12 years ago
Version 1.0.0 change log

- Updated to post 2.1.3 discount version (commit 6eacbc931b)
- Added MarkdownDocument::setReferencePrefix() method.


  • php >=5.2.0
  • pearinstaller >=1.4.8