
This package is not maintained anymore and has been superseded. Package has moved to channel package WSO2.
No replacement provided. Contact us if you know a replacement.

Web Services for PHP

This extension provides support for providing and consuming Web services based on <a href="">Apache Axis2/C</a>.

The development of this extension has been moved to <a href="">WSO2 WSF/PHP Project</a>.
You can download the latest release of this package from the <a href="
">downloads page</a>.
Please note that there is a <a href="">pecl package</a> available.

This package has full Web services support including WS-Addressing, WS-Security, WS-Security Policy , MTOM for binary attachments, WSDL Generation and contract first Web services (WSDL mode). It also has some level of REST support.


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  • No release yet!