
The latest version cannot build with PHP 8.1 and later. This extension is considered to be deprecated.
This extension has been replaced by sodium.

Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library

A simple, low-level PHP extension for libsodium.


  • Frank Denis (lead )


Stars: 547
Issue openned: 3
Downloads: 1944059
If this extension is needed for your project, consider upgrading the extension code and contact us to build and publish the new DLLs.
7 years ago
Version 2.0.0 change log

This is a major release, featuring a new API identical to the one of sodium extension included with PHP 7.2.

Functions are now in the global namespace, and return exceptions.

Note that PHP 5 is not supported any more.

Support for the key exchange API (crypto_kx), key derivation (crypto_kdf) and
for the xchacha20-poly1305 construction have been added.

Many bugs have been squashed.


  • php >=7.0.0<=7.99.99
  • pearinstaller >=1.4.8