
pecl install phalcon

Phalcon is a full stack PHP framework offering low resource consumption and high performance.

Phalcon is an open source full stack framework for PHP, written as a C-extension. Phalcon is optimized for high
performance. Its unique architecture allows the framework to always be memory resident, offering its functionality
whenever its needed, without expensive file stats and file reads that traditional PHP frameworks employ.


  • Anton Vasiliev (lead )
  • Nikolaos Dimopoulos (lead )
  • Ruud Boon (lead ) [inactive]


Stars: 10731
Issue openned: 83
Downloads: 199829
2 years ago
Download DLL for processor with 64 bits architecture (x64)
PHP 8.0
PHP 7.4
Download DLL for processor with 32 bits architecture (x86)
PHP 8.0
PHP 7.4
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Version 5.0.0alpha7 change log

Full changelog can be found at:

## Changed
- Changes to the `Phalcon\Acl`:
- Renamed `Phalcon\Acl\ComponentAware` to `Phalcon\Acl\ComponentAwareInterface`
- Renamed `Phalcon\Acl\RoleAware` to `Phalcon\Acl\RoleAwareInterface` [#15691](
- Changed `require` to `require_once` in `Phalcon\Loader` to avoid conflicts with other loaders [#15489](
- Changed `require` to `require_once` in `Phalcon\Cli\Console` and `Phalcon\Mvc\Application` for a bit of extra performance [#15489](
- `Phalcon\Collection` has been moved under the `Support` namespace:
- Renamed `Phalcon\Collection` to `Phalcon\Support\Collection`
- Renamed `Phalcon\Collection\Exception` to `Phalcon\Support\Collection\Exception`
- Renamed `Phalcon\Collection\ReadOnly` to `Phalcon\Support\Collection\ReadOnly`
- Renamed `Phalcon\Collection` to `Phalcon\Support\Collection` [#15700](
- Changes to `Phalcon\Session\Bag`:
- Changed `Phalcon\Session\Bag::construct` to accept a container instead of internally calling the default
- Changed `Phalcon\Session\Bag::construct` to throw an exception if the container is not specified
- Changed `Phalcon\Session\Bag::init` to store the data in the session [#15494](
- Changed `Phalcon\Events\Event::construct()` to allow `source` to be nullable [#15133](
- Changes to `Phalcon\Crypt`
- Moved `Phalcon\Crypt\Exception` to `Phalcon\Crypt\Exception\Exception`
- Moved `Phalcon\Crypt\Mismatch` to `Phalcon\Crypt\Exception\Mismatch`
- Changed the ccm/gcm modes to store the `authTag` with the encryption string and process it with the decryption string [#15717](
- Created new namespace `Phalcon\Encryption`
- Moved `Phalcon\Crypt` to `Phalcon\Encryption\Crypt`
- Moved `Phalcon\Security` to `Phalcon\Encryption\Security`
- Moved the whole `Security` namespace under `Encryption`
- `Security\JWT\Exceptions\UnsupportedAlgorithmException` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Exceptions\UnsupportedAlgorithmException`
- `Security\JWT\Exceptions\ValidatorException` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Exceptions\ValidatorException`
- `Security\JWT\Signer\AbstractSigner` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Signer\AbstractSigner`
- `Security\JWT\Signer\Hmac` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Signer\Hmac`
- `Security\JWT\Signer\None` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Signer\None`
- `Security\JWT\Signer\SignerInterface` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Signer\SignerInterface`
- `Security\JWT\Token\AbstractItem` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\AbstractItem`
- `Security\JWT\Token\Enum` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\Enum`
- `Security\JWT\Token\Item` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\Item`
- `Security\JWT\Token\Parser` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\Parser`
- `Security\JWT\Token\Signature` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\Signature`
- `Security\JWT\Token\Token` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\Token`
- `Security\JWT\Builder` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Builder`
- `Security\JWT\Validator` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Validator`
- `Security\JWT\Validator` to `Encryption\Security\JWT\Validator`
- `Security\Exception` to `Encryption\Security\Exception`
- `Security\Random` to `Encryption\Security\Random` [#15729](
- Renamed
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::getHashAlgo()` to `Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::getHashAlgorithm()`
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::getAvailableHashAlgos()` to `Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::getAvailableHashAlgorithms()`
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::setHashAlgo()` to `Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::setHashAlgorithm()` [#15717](
- Renamed `Phalcon\Factory\AdapterFactory::getAdapters()` to `Phalcon\Factory\AdapterFactory::getServices()` [#15717](
- Changed `Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::__construct()` to have `useSigning` set to `true` by default [#15717](
- Changes to `Phalcon\Config`
- Moved `Phalcon\Config` to `Phalcon\Config\Config`
- Changed `Phalcon\Config\Config::path` by making the `delimiter` parameter a `string`
- Changed `Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini::__construct` to not accept `null` as the mode. The default is now `INI_SCANNER_NORMAL` (2)
- Refactored the code for more efficiency and speed [#15720](
- Changed `Phalcon\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface::getInternalHandler()` and `Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\AbstractPdo::getInternalHandler()` to return `var` instead of `\PDO` for custom adapters with different engines [#15119](
- Moved `Phalcon\Filter` to `Phalcon\Filter\Filter`; added more tests [#15726](
- Changed `Phalcon\Mvc\Model::getPreparedQuery()` to return `QueryInterface` instead of `Query` [#15562](
- Moved `Phalcon\Cache` to `Phalcon\Cache\Cache` [#15728](
- Changed `Phalcon\Factory\AdapterFactory` to define the factory exception in `getExceptionClass()` instead of a property. [#15728](
- Renamed `Phalcon\Db\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::getSqlVariables()` to `Phalcon\Db\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::getSQLVariables()` to align with the rest of the `getSQL*` methods [#15637](
- Moved `Phalcon\Logger` to `Phalcon\Logger\Logger` [#15727](
- Changes to `Phalcon\Escaper`
- Moved `Phalcon\Escaper` to `Phalcon\Html\Escaper`
- Moved `Phalcon\Escaper\EscaperInterface` to `Phalcon\Html\Escaper\EscaperInterface`
- Moved `Phalcon\Escaper\Exception` to `Phalcon\Html\Escaper\Exception`
- Deprecated methods (to be removed at a future version)
- `escapeCss()` becomes `css()`
- `escapeJs()`, becomes `js()`
- `escapeHtml()` becomes `html()`
- `escapeHtmlAttr()` becomes `attributes()`
- `escapeUrl()` becomes `url()`
- `setHtmlQuoteType()` becomes `setFlags()` [#15757](
- Changed `Phalcon\Encryption\Security::hash()` to also use `password_hash()` and accept `ARGON2*` algorithms [#15731](
- Removed uncamelize of `realClassName` in `Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route::getRoutePaths()` if definition is string to make processing same as if array definition [#15067](
- Changed `Phalcon\Validation::getValue()` behavior to get value from `data` if not found in `entity`. [#14203](
- Changed `Phalcon\Forms\Form::isValid()` signature: added `whitelist` argument. [#14203](
- Changed `Phalcon\Support\Collection\ReadOnly` to `Phalcon\Support\Collection\ReadOnlyCollection` to avoid conflicts with the read-only feature in PHP 8.1 [#15767](
- Removed `Phalcon\Text` - replaced by `Phalcon\Support\Helper\Str\*` [#15776](
- Removed `Phalcon\Helper\Arr` - replaced by `Phalcon\Support\Helper\Arr\*` [#15776](
- Removed `Phalcon\Helper\File` - replaced by `Phalcon\Support\Helper\File\*` [#15776](
- Removed `Phalcon\Helper\Json` - replaced by `Phalcon\Support\Helper\Json\*` [#15776](
- Removed `Phalcon\Helper\Number` - replaced by `Phalcon\Support\Helper\Number\*` [#15776](
- Removed `Phalcon\Helper\Str` - replaced by `Phalcon\Support\Helper\Str\*` [#15776](
- Removed references to `Phalcon\Text`, `Phacon\Helper\*` from the code replacing it with `Phalcon\Support\Helper\*` [#15776](
- Synchronized tests with `phalcon/phalcon` thus increasing coverage [#15776](
- Changed `Phalcon\Assets\Manager` to require a `Phalcon\Html\TagFactory` in its constructor [#15776](

## Added
- Added more tests in the suite for additional code coverage [#15691](
- Added `Phalcon\Events\AbstractEventsAware` class to handle the Events Manager when necessary [#15691](
- Added `Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\AdapterInterface::getInheritedRoles()` and `Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory::getInheritedRoles()` that returns the inherited roles based on a passed role name (or all if no parameter supplied) [#15154](
- Changes to `Phalcon\Crypt`
- Added `Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\PadInteface` and padding adapters
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Ansi`
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Iso10126`
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\IsoIek`
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Noop`
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\PadInterface`
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Pkcs7`
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Space`
- `Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Zero`
- Added `Phalcon\Crypt\PadFactory` to easily create padding adapters
- Added more tests increasing coverage [#15717](
- Added `Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\*::setForever()` and `Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\*::setForever()` to allow storing a key forever [#15485](
- Added `Phalcon\Encryption\Security::getHashInformation()` to return information for a hash [#15731](
- Added constants `Phalcon\Encryption\Security::CRYPT_ARGON2I` and `Phalcon\Encryption\Security::CRYPT_ARGON2ID` [#15731](
- Added `allowEmpty` checks to common validators [#15515](
- Added `Phalcon\Forms\Form::getFilteredValue()` to get filtered value without providing entity [#15438](
- Added `Phalcon\Forms\Form::setWhitelist()` and `Phalcon\Forms\Form::getWhitelist()` [#14203](
- Added `dirtyState` serialization in `Phalcon\Mvc\Model` [#15571](
- Added short versions of helpers for `Phalcon\Html\TagFactory` (call service as a method) [#15776](
- Added short versions of helpers for `Phalcon\Support\HelperFactory` (call service as a method) [#15776](
- Added `Phalcon\Html\Helper\Doctype` helper for `doctype` generation [#15776](
- Added `style` or `link` tag option for `Phalcon\Html\Helper\Style` [#15776](

## Fixed
- Fixed `Query::getExpression()` return type [#15553](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Mvc\Model::getRelated()` to correctly return relationships (cached or not) when the foreign key has changed [#15649](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\*`, `Phalcon\Mvc\Model` and `Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Annotations` to treat `BIGINT` numbers as string [#15632](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::decrypt()` to correctly calculate the hash when using signed mode [#15717](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager::isVisibleModelProperty()` to correctly check if setting property is visible [#15276](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Config\Config::merge` to retain numeric indexes in deep merges [#14705](
- Fixed globals (Zephir change) to correctly display string values for global settings in `phpinfo()` [#15269](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Redis::getAdapter()` and `Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Redis::getAdapter()` to accept the connection timeout in the constructor `options` [#15744](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Db\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::getSQLVariables()` to return an empty array when initialized [#15637](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\*` and `Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\*` to delete a key when `set()` is called with a zero or negative TTL [#15485](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql` to not use `PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES` and `PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES` by default. This allows numbers to be returned with resultsets instead of strings for numeric fields [#15361](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Validation\Validator\File` to use `messageFileEmpty` [#14928](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Db\RawValue` usage bugs in `Phalcon\Mvc\Model::doLowUpdate()` [#15413](
- Fixed `type` attribute for stylesheet links [#15776](
- Fixed `Phalcon\Debug` to not throw an exception if a URL service is not present [#15381](

## Removed
- Removed `Phalcon\Kernel` - obsolete [#15776](


  • php >=7.4.1<=8.0.99
  • pearinstaller >=1.10
  • psr >=1.1.0