
pecl install teds

Provides extra data structures and iterable/array functionality.

teds (Tentative Extra Data Structures) is a collection of data structures and iterable functionality


  • Tyson Andre (lead )


Stars: 28
Issue openned: 46
Downloads: 4225
2 years ago
Download DLL for processor with 64 bits architecture (x64)
PHP 8.1
PHP 8.0
Download DLL for processor with 32 bits architecture (x86)
PHP 8.1
PHP 8.0
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Version 1.2.0 change log

* Add `Teds\SortedIntVectorSet` - a Set implementation represented in a way similar to an `Teds\IntVector` with unique sorted integers.
(This may be useful for reducing memory usage and speeding up unserialization, when unserializing large Sets of integers which change infrequently. See benchmarks/benchmark_vector_unserialize.php)
* Add `Teds\ImmutableSortedStringSet` - an immutable Set implementation containing a list of unique strings sorted with strcmp.
(This may be useful for reducing memory usage and speeding up unserialization, when unserializing large Sets of strings which change infrequently to check values for membership in a Set. See benchmarks/benchmark_string_set.php)
* Add `Teds\ImmutableSortedIntSet` - an immutable Set implementation containing a list of unique integers sorted by increasing value.
(This may be useful for reducing memory usage and speeding up unserialization, when unserializing large Sets of integers which change infrequently to check values for membership in a Set.)
* Rename `Teds\BitSet` to `Teds\BitVector`
* Add `Teds\Sequence::insert(int $offset, mixed ...$values)` to the Sequence interfaces and implementations
* Add first/last to the `Teds\Sequence` interface.
* Fix edge cases with var_export/var_dump/debug_zval_dump and cyclic data structures in debug builds and php 8.2.0-dev.
* Make iteration account for offsetUnset/insert/shift/unshift in Sequences.


  • php >=8.0.0
  • pearinstaller >=1.10