
pecl install zip

A zip management extension

Zip is an extension to create, modify and read zip files.


  • Remi Collet (lead )
  • Pierre Joye (lead )


Stars: 26
Issue openned: 5
Downloads: 9280673
18 years ago
Request a build
Request to the website owner's team the built this extension with this parameters. The result is not guaranteed and can be impossible for many reasons. The extension source code is frequently not upto date with the most recent PHP version.
If you have another code source for this extension, provide it in comment.
Please (or register) to request a build.
Version 1.5.0 change log

- bring consistency to the method names:
- rename zip::delete() to deleteIndex()
- add zip::deleteName()
- rename zip::statPath to zip::statName()
- rename zip::rename to zip::renameIndex()
- add zip::renameName();
- add zip::locateName(), returns the index of an entry, allows case insensitive
or directory free lookup (ZIP::FL_NOCASE, ZIP::FL_NODIR)
- add zip::unchangeName(), ::unchangeIndex(), unchangeAll() and unchangeArchive()
revert changes to an entry, to all entries or the archive
- add zip::getNameIndex(), get the name of the entry at the given position
- Bug #7658, Modify zip archives causes corruption if the data descriptor is used
(bit 3 of the general flags)
- fix a bug when in the delete and rename methods when the index is lower than 1
- zip::addFile() must return true on success
- zip::open() returns now the error code on error and true on success


  • php >=4.3.0
  • pearinstaller >=1.4.0