
The latest version of this extension is not compatible with PHP 8. This extension is considered to be deprecated.
No replacement provided. Contact us if you know a replacement.

Radius client library

This package is based on the libradius of FreeBSD, with some modifications and extensions.
This PECL provides full support for RADIUS authentication (RFC 2865) and RADIUS accounting (RFC 2866),
works on Unix and on Windows. Its an easy way to authenticate your users against the user-database of your
OS (for example against Windows Active-Directory via IAS).


  • Michael Bretterklieber (lead )
  • Adam Harvey (lead )


Stars: 10
Issue openned: 6
Downloads: 323365
If this extension is needed for your project, consider upgrading the extension code and contact us to build and publish the new DLLs.
21 years ago
Version 1.2 change log

- Release 1.2
- BugFix: a to short challenge was generated sometimes (MS-CHAPv1, MS-CHAPv2)
- New functions:
radius_demangle: demangles radius passwords and mppe MS-CHAPv1 Keys
radius_demangle_mppe_key: demangles mppe send- and recvkey (MS-CHAPv2)
- Added examples for radius-accounting
- Replaced mcrypt-functions with own des-ecb-encryption function
- Some minor changes in radius-auth.php
- Added php-script for testing MS-CHAP functions