
The latest version of this extension is not compatible with PHP 8. This extension is considered to be deprecated.
No replacement provided. Contact us if you know a replacement.

Radius client library

This package is based on the libradius of FreeBSD, with some modifications and extensions.
This PECL provides full support for RADIUS authentication (RFC 2865) and RADIUS accounting (RFC 2866),
works on Unix and on Windows. Its an easy way to authenticate your users against the user-database of your
OS (for example against Windows Active-Directory via IAS).


  • Michael Bretterklieber (lead )
  • Adam Harvey (lead )


Stars: 10
Issue openned: 6
Downloads: 323365
If this extension is needed for your project, consider upgrading the extension code and contact us to build and publish the new DLLs.
11 years ago
Download DLL for processor with 32 bits architecture (x86)
PHP 5.6
PHP 5.5
PHP 5.4
PHP 5.3
Version 1.3.0b1 change log

This release adds several new features:

- Support for CoA and disconnect packets.
- Support for tagged attributes.
- Support for salt-encrypted attributes.
- Support for Juniper vendor specific attributes.

These features are based on code written by Gabriel Blanchard in his fork of
PECL radius: https://github.com/gblanchard/pecl-radius.

Three new functions have been added to handle these features:

- radius_get_tagged_attr_data(string attr)
This function returns the data from a tagged attribute.
- radius_get_tagged_attr_tag(string attr)
This function returns the tag from a tagged attribute.
- radius_salt_encrypt_attr(resource radius_handle, string attr)
This function salt-encrypts the given attribute. This shouldn't normally need
to be called manually, but is available for unusual use cases.

Salt encryption is generally achieved through the use of the new
RADIUS_OPTION_SALT option. All put functions have been extended to accept an
optional options bitfield and an optional tag value, which will be used to tag
an attribute if the RADIUS_OPTION_TAGGED option is set.

There should be no backward compatibility breaks with this release; however
existing users are encouraged to test their code against this release and to
report any issues that they find.

The next beta is expected in around two weeks from today (approximately July
18, 2013).


  • php >=4.3.0
  • pearinstaller >=1.4.0b1